Health is About Balance
The key to being healthy is ‘balance’. For over 30 years at Nutrition Diagnostics our mission has been simple: to help our patients restore balance to their health and wellbeing. We do this by correcting imbalances in your body’s chemistry - both through our tailored health programmes and our range of natural, clinically-proven supplements.
Balancing Body Chemistry
Simply put, when your chemistry is in balance, you optimise the body’s natural ability to combat disease and achieve true health. We acknowledge that every body is different, and everyone’s chemistry is different. We don’t subscribe to fads, trending diets or radical regimes, but rather, believe in science - supported by thousands of clinical research trials, extensive clinical experience with the most challenging health cases, and delivering real, tangible results to our clients and customers.

The Earliest Signs of Disease Can be Seen in Blood Chemistry
Disease rarely, if ever, just ‘happens’. Rather, disease is preceded by a metabolic or physiological imbalance. These imbalances emerge slowly and progress continuously, and in many cases you can feel these imbalances in your body before chronic disease take hold. You might find yourself saying, “I just don’t feel quite right”, have an ailment that has been troubling you or you aren’t as fit and healthy as you once were. Everything that has happened to you in your life has contributed to your current health situation and if you are not feeling 100% today, the chances are your body’s chemistry is out of balance.

Understanding What Causes Disease
If we accept that health is the opposite of disease, and we accept that health requires certain inputs and conditions, then we must accept that disease does too - it does not just occur at random -it is the product of our actions. When we take action contrary to the needs of our body - either through poor diet, toxin exposure or an underlying imbalance - we develop any number of the ‘six subclinical defects’. It is these six subclinical defects that underpin and link all disease. Without these defects, disease cannot and does not occur.
The Six Subclinical Defects
These same six things are linked to every single chronic disease. To learn more about the six subclinical defects and the diseases/conditions each is associated with, click here.
Free Calcium Excess
In optimal health, 55% of serum calcium (in a blood sample) is bound to protein (albumin) or alkaline buffers (phosphates). The remaining 45% is left unbound in a free (ionised) state. When the amount of free (ionised) calcium increases beyond 45%, the blood contains excess calcium. This excess calcium is deposited into joints, organs and arteries (instead of bones and teeth) - catalysing a host of health problems (like gallstones, kidney stones, bone spurs, plaque formation on teeth and plaque in the arteries).
Chronic Inflammation
Inflammation, when acute, is a healthy event; helping the body to repair itself, fight infections, deal with cancer and handle toxic exposures. Chronic or prolonged inflammation begins to fail its intended purposes, whereby the continuous presence of inflammatory chemicals and immune cells leads to a harmful cycle in which the immune system attacks healthy cells and tissues - perpetuating further inflammation and catalysing various health problems (especially heart disease, arthritis and cancer).
Acid Stress
The body functions best when there is balance between alkalinity and acidity. The acid/alkaline balance is measured in pH, where a high pH indicates alkalinity and a low pH indicates acidity. The body favours alkalinity over acidity. When pH levels drop, the body becomes more acidic than alkaline. This imbalance between acidity and alkalinity is known as acid stress, and causes disruption to normal bodily processes and leads to various health problems. Acid stress is linked to 80% of all diseases.
Anaerobic Metabolism
There are two types of metabolism; aerobic and anaerobic. Aerobic metabolism relies on oxygen to break down nutrients - producing more energy in the form of ATP (the body's preferred energy source). When there is insufficient oxygen available for aerobic metabolism, the body will switch to an anaerobic metabolism. It produces energy quickly but less efficiently - breaking down nutrients without using oxygen and generating lactic acid as a byproduct. When the body continually tends towards an anaerobic metabolism in everyday life, it depletes energy and damages cell health - ultimately leading to various health problems. An anaerobic metabolism nurtures all cancer, bacteria, fungi, parasites and viruses.
Oxidative Stress
In optimal health, the body has sufficient antioxidant capacity. The role of antioxidants is to combat ‘free radicals’. When the body does not have sufficient antioxidant capacity and the number of free radicals outweighs the number of antioxidants, it cannot neutralise free radicals. This leads to uncontrolled oxidation that destroys cells and destabilises healthy cell function, laying the groundwork for disease, infection, toxicity and ageing.
Connective Tissue Breakdown
Connective tissues are found throughout the body and support the organs, connect different body parts and aid in healing. In optimal health, the body can produce new connective tissue and repair/regenerate damaged connective tissue. Connective tissue breakdown occurs when the body cannot repair or build new tissue and often manifests in musculoskeletal conditions such as osteoporosis and arthritis.
Every Disease is Caused by the Same Six Things
Each one of the six subclinical defects or common denominators indicates an 'imbalance’ in body chemistry - often due to a combination of diet and lifestyle. Where left unchecked, such defects leave us predisposed to developing a range of chronic illnesses. Oftentimes, one imbalance or defect will lead to another - which is why we see patients presenting with multiple symptoms and illnesses. For someone to get completely well from any disease, these six must first be identified, and then addressed in a particular order.

Identifying the Subclinical Defects
The first step to achieving optimum health is to identify what underlying heath challenges someone is facing. Every disease and health challenge is underpinned by one or more of the six subclinical defects - all of which are identifiable by blood chemistry analysis. Learn more about how we do this in our tailored health programs.

Controlling The Subclinical Defects
If you can prevent, control or eradicate the incidence of these subclinical defects, you can prevent, control or eradicate disease - maintaining or restoring health to optimum levels. And how does one control these six subclinical defects? Through balancing body chemistry - the idea being that when the body is in balance, it is healthier, stronger, and therefore better equipped to combat disease and maintain health.

Health Model Thinking vs Disease Model Thinking
There are two primary schools of thought in health; disease model thinking and health model thinking. Disease model thinking is the most commonly adopted in modern healthcare, and although it certainly works in crisis care and medical emergencies, it often fails us with respect to general health and chronic illness.
Disease Model Thinking
Treats symptoms
Takes a narrow view of health
Assigns a label to a problem
Seeks to treat symptoms with pills
Ignores links between illnesses
Health Model Thinking
Identifies the cause
Takes a holistic view of health
Asks ‘why’ the problem is occuring
Seeks to address the cause by balancing body chemistry
Recognises the links between illnesses
How We Use Blood Chemistry
Our Tailored Health Programs
Our tailored health programs leverage blood chemistry analysis to provide tailored insights and health advice. Learn more about how you can unlock optimum health with blood chemistry.